Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Count Your Blessings

As time goes by I become more set in my ways and I tend to not change.  I think a lot of it is because I have so much to be thankful for and I don't really want it to change.  God has blessed me more than I can express and when I sit down and really think about what I have it becomes a realization.

1.)  The thing in my life that I am most grateful is my son, Nathanael.  He has been such an inspiration and light to me.  He was born with a disability that prevents him from ever walking and has had 10 surgeries in his 14 years.  Does that keep him from being happy?  Nope.  He has a great disposition and big heart.  My son is the reason that I have made so many changes health wise.  Because of him, I want to be a better, healthier person.  He has taught me to find happiness in any situation.  I have learned so much from him. 

2.)  I'm grateful for my husband David.  I am not the easiest person to live with.  I'm a slob, I spend money when I shouldn't, and I am stubborn as hell.  David puts up with me and loves me through it all.  For almost 17 years, he has been by my side, even when he's annoyed with me.  We have our problems like any couple but we stick with each other and love each other through it all.  I'm so blessed to have a man that will put up with me.  I can be quite difficult but I know that through it all, he still loves me.

3.)  I'm grateful for my job.  Unemployment is pretty high right now so I'm grateful for a job, of any kind.  It used to really bother me that I have a BS in education and couldn't get a teaching job to save my life.  I had the attitude that "I'm better than this job."  Well, I'm not.  I have a job that I enjoy and though it doesn't pay much, I enjoy it and love the people with whom I work.  I'm not sure how long I will have this job but I will continue to do it until I find something better or our doors close.  It pays the bills and that's really what matters.

4.)  I'm grateful for my family and friends.  They have been there for me through thick and thin.  We've laughed together, cried together, fought together, and through it all we are stuck like glue.  I am grateful to have love like this because I don't deserve it. 

5.)  I'm grateful for God.  God has blessed me beyond belief.  I wouldn't have any of this if not for God.  He has shown me unconditional love.  In the grand scheme of things I am a flawed, unimportant being and God still sent his son to die for me.  No one is worthy of that kind of love but because of that love, God sacrificed what was most important to Him.  I know that I would not be willing to make that kind of sacrifice and that just shows me that God's love is more powerful than anything I have to offer.

These are just a few things for which I'm grateful, the most important things (in no particular order).  It's important to think about your blessings every now and again and then acknowledge them.  We may not always have them.  So what are you thankful for?

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